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A website made for Student Org Leaders

Purpose of this site

Hello and welcome! My name is Kevin and I'm the author of this website! I created this site in order to help other student org leaders at the University of Michigan to be able to create their own documentation guides!


But first off, what even is a documentation guide and why does it even matter?


What is a documentation guide?

To keep it short, when I say a documentation guide I'm referring to a way of keeping records within a student org. This could look like tracking how to plan events, how to transition into different leadership roles, and more!


Why do documentation guides matter for a student org?

As to why I believe they matter, I can offer a few thoughts.


First, with each school year, there's usually some leadership transition as some old members move on and some new leaders step up. For those new leaders it can feel daunting where to even begin. Thus, having some sort of stored document that organizes these changes might benefit future leadership teams.


Secondly, each student org usually has several annual events that they host. And instead of having to re-plan those events from scratch, a document of some sort can help speed up this process and enable student leaders to focus their time and energy into other areas.


These are a few reasons why I believe student org "documentation" is beneficial, but ultimately the goal is simply to help a student org thrive the best they can through helping future leadership teams lead more effectively.


Navigation Tips

Within this site you'll find examples of how I've organized documents for my own student org. I acknowledge it's not necessarily the "best" or "only" way. But, it is at least one template to help you get started if you haven't already. And better yet, you can always customize the documentation to your liking!


If you're interested and ready to begin, watch the video below and hop into the next page!


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This video contains a tour and how to use this website!

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