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Final Encouragements

As you might know and remember, leadership can be tough. There are many struggles that leaders might face from interpersonal conflicts, the burdens of planning, feeling isolated, burnout, and much more. But at the same time, leadership can also be very rewarding as you see your ideas carried out and also as you witness positive change being enacted within the culture of your org or within the people in it.


As a result, this "Encouragements and Parting Words" document is a space to pass on your thoughts for the next leadership team to hear! These words can acknowledge some of the real worries and doubts leaders might be feeling before stepping into the role and can also encourage leaders to look forward to the growth involved and the joys that can be experienced 


Whatever your parting thoughts are, these documents are a place to leave them behind.

encouragements template

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Here's the template on how you can structure your encouragements and parting words document.

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